You raise some good issues.
But, I think the key point is where you say you don't see the anti-Trump fire out there the same as it was before. Well, that is my point about people not really paying attention just yet. If they were paying attention to even one tenth of the things Trump has been posting lately on his so-called Truth Social and what he has promised to do (that is to say, what he has promised to destroy) ... the anti-Trump fire would be an all-out damn inferno. Trouble is I think most people don't know and they haven't heard. Because most mainstream media doesn't broadcast on the evening news what Trump posts on Truth Social. If Biden stutters at a state dinner, it is all over the news about "old" Biden. Meanwhile, Trump is now utterly insane, he has become totally mentally imbalanced and suffering dementia (doesn't know where he is, thinks he is running against Obama and that he won against Obama in 2016), and Trump is a complete sociopath who isn't even trying to hide it anymore.
I was never particularly "for" Biden and that goes back a couple decades for me for a variety of reasons, but once he was the option in an election against the Pussy Grabber in Chief, it was a no-brainer who I voted for. With no regrets.
It is even more of a no-brainer now. The election in 2024 isn't Biden versus Trump. It is literally sanity versus insanity. People need to wake up to that. If they do, we survive, and then in the future we can search for people who will actually get things done policy-wise. But for now, there is just one task: Save the entirety of America from ending up just like Texas.