Fay Wylde
May 25, 2024


You know, at this point, I'm not sure which has me more infuriated: Alito, or mainstream news media. They just do not understand what "Appeal to Heaven" flag means. They keep calling it a "Jan 6th insurrection flag" but that completely misses the point of what actually means and what it stands for.

It is like a secret handshake. You wave that flag--the most public of public acts is to hang a flag at your home!-- and that is a signal, a little wink and nod to the brothers and sisters that you are "in on it" and part of their team.



Fay Wylde

Politics, women’s rights, racial equality, LGBTQ, religion, witchy stuff, and whatever else my autistic brain chases. Follow me and you won’t be bored.