You have certainly channeled the same white-hot anger I myself have been feeling lately over guns. My hatred of guns began with Columbine, began when I read about what those two boys did in that school's library, going from table to table. My rage over guns has been simmering for me ever since. That is a long time.
Anyway, though I agree with your anger, I have a different theory about the underpinnings of the radical pro-gun guys. I don't think it is their love of and fantasizing about death and destruction. I think they fetishize guns to compensate for the fact every single one of them is a weak, scared, coward at heart. Guns, and the bigger the gun the better, allow them to fantasize that they are a manly man, the hero, who will ride in on his white horse, pistol blazing, and save the day. Deep down inside these gun guys know they are cowards, men who never grew up, just weak little boys. So they buy assault rifles, some tactical gear, and parade around like cosplay Rambo-wanna-be's. But if ever the shit is really going down, I guarantee they would be the first running for their life and looking for a place to hide.
And that is also why it is bullshit to say "only a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun." I say in your dreams gun guys. You know you would be cowering in the hallway, just like those 19 police officers were cowering in the hallway.
These gun guys are not in love with the notion of murder and death. They are just chickenshit, and so wave around their big gun, hoping you won't notice they are chickenshit. Just my 2 cents as an armchair psychologist.