You do raise an important point. Patriarchal religious institutions lay the psychological groundwork in the minds of their followers to be comfortable with authoritarianism.
I basically "hinted" at that by taking the trouble to point out the religion of the Hall of Shame of authoritarians I listed.
I did not expressly go into it that much for two reasons, one in good faith on my part and one, I confess, in bad faith on my part.
Reason 1, length. Have to keep things at 8 minutes or less on Medium because of most people's attention span.
2, I hesitate to draw a direct A leads to B line between churches and the worst of the worst monstrous men in human history. I truly do not want to be a basher of religions. I do see value in what some of them do, and in the love that some of them teach, so it is a difficult minefield to tread, to speak of that obvious connection without sounding like a condemnation of all. A difficult topic, and I skirted it a bit here.
But I think the hint I dropped was also obvious. I left it to readers to think about for themselves.