Yes, the death of Tyre was as racist as all the rest. It has never been about the race of police officers. No Justice, No Peace is still the chant, same as it ever was. The demands for police reform are the same as they ever were. "Police culture" is the problem and always has been, and Black Lives Matter has always emphasized that.
You are right to illustrate the point with the contrasting videos released, how a Black man just driving a car was treated versus how a white guy swinging a hammer was treated. The race of a police officer is irrelevant and it is disingenuous for anyone to try and claim it has any relevance.
Nobody was ever chanting "defund white police." They were chanting defund the police. There can be a better way, and a first step is to get rid of our archaic notions of what policing is and should be, that apparently often include a death sentence for Black men pulled over for traffic infractions. Let's begin by defunding that, shall we?