Yes, I saw and clapped for that story you wrote. I did not comment upon it because I was too heartbroken to comment.
However (and this is my more jaded side showing through) I had zero expectations that any major news media outlets would carry it.
The simple fact is that there is no "news media" anymore. There is just "infotainment" and they make a calculation on what stories to carry based upon what is "trending" and what is getting "clicks" and "likes." Tragedy doesn't "sell" unless it is big with a big body count, so there you are. Why carry one "little" in their minds story about a kid assaulted?
So, again, thank you James for what you do. You at least keep me informed of what I would not otherwise be informed about.
It begs the question, of course, what else are we are collectively not informed about because news media has completely abdicated their responsibility? I shudder to think.