There is still MSNBC's Ali Velshi who still has his weekly feature on his weekend show of the Banned Book Club. He also does the Velshi Banned Book Club Podcast.
Sadly, it is otherwise a case of the "attention" economy and how that is devolving at an accelerating and alarming rate (with, I strongly suspect, AI helping that devolution along). "Attention" is now the most valuable commodity and as a "commodity," tragically, commerical forces have totally corrupted all forms of information exchange and communication, even perhaps getting to BlueSky, as it looks like they are contemplating going with advertising.
Makes me wonder if that also had something to do with this?
So, it is a war on two fronts simultaneously: a war against homophobia, AND a war against purely transactional people/organizations who in fact don't really care on principle one way or the other on issues, but go with what they think "sells" and avoid what they think "doesn't sell."
Standard forms of resistance can still fight the former and are absolutely worth pursuing, but I am at a loss at how to fight the latter ;-( ... where any and all "principles" get commodified into an algorithm and humans are brainwashed into thinking just like an "algorithm" cuz that is easier than taking the time to actually think. Thus, both AI and people (such as BlueSky moderators apparently) wouldn't recognize "nuance" if it bit 'em in the ass.
Very discouraging. I like to always note points of hope, but this devolution of the brains of people and an "attention economy" devoid of nuance is such a confounding issue... not sure what anyone can do about that. :-(