That is a tough question "would it be better if Evangelical Christianity imploded?" The problem is that the term "evangelical" has been hijacked. It was sort of a bloodless coup, where MAGA gun-toting, finger-flipping-to-the-libs people took on the name "evangelical" as just part of their culture war against everyone else. Ask those "evangelicals" if they go to church regularly. Answer: nope not really. Ask them to quote some Bible verses. They won't be able to. In other words "evangelicals" aren't evangelicals.
I know someone who IS an evangelical. We are not extremely close but we have stayed in touch long distance. He is, without question, the single nicest, kindest, most generous person I have ever known, exuding positivity and kindness. Ask him for help and he will drop everything to help you, and do so with a smile on his face. He is a thoroughly wonderful human being. He was born and raised an "evangelical" and he still is one. And is horrified by these imposters who have hijacked the label.
I've written a lengthy answer here, but I would say -- even though I am not Christian and do have some quibbles with the faith -- that no, I would not want to see genuine evangelicals gone. But they need to take the name back from the asinine thieves who have stolen it and twisted it into something cruel and combative.