So Mikey used in his legal brief a quotation from the greatest sage of our age (and one of my idols), Bette Midler, eh? "F*ck 'em if they can't take a joke!" Indeed. Well said Mikey! LOL
Really do love your satirical writing. Also you just gave THE best, most accurate job description I have ever seen for a Republican Speaker of the House: "Harder than herding cats. Glueing Jell-O® to a tree. Glueing Jell-O® to a cat." Yep, that is pretty much the job description.
And makes me think of the old TV commercial (yes I am old enough to have seen it) "Let's get Mikey. He'll eat anything!"
Then all the other Republicans laughed behind his back and thought "Sucker!!!"
Poor Mikey. Can ya hear the miniature violin I'm playing for him?
By the way, I'm betting on the head of lettuce.