My my my. Well. If I may point out, my use of the word "intellectual" in this piece was to point out that I am not doing what they rightly suggest. Ergo, complaining about me elevating myself as an intellectual (when I made clear I am a being a satirical comedian turning my back on the intellectuals) is... well... funny. :-) I do hope you accomplish some of... whatever it is you think we should be doing... (though I might suggest you spend less time writing such lengthy commentaries that are emblematic of the thing you are complaining about and spend more time on action? ;-)
One last side note, as I do not wish to argue with you since you are technically right on a certain level: I do intend to continue writing comedy because people do need laughs for the sake of their mental health. I will, however, on occasion still write about serious matters in a serious (even borderline informative) way, including the very serious matter of how far too many people on both Left and Right have fallen into the delusional trap notion that makes them think "speech" counts as "doing something" which, of course, it does not and never has.
An excellent book that addresses this is "Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self Delusion" by Jia Tolentino. You would probably like it; I know I did.
Good day to you.