Love the vulgarity. If ever there was a topic that was worth cursing to make a sailor blush, it is this topic. I've written on it myself, but still was slightly careful of my language, though my tongue was bleeding from biting it so hard. You cut right to the point though. Yep, they are not gonna stop abortions, at least not for women wealthy enough to travel to a Blue state. Wealthy women will always and forever have access to safe abortions. So you needed to comment about these assholes primarily don't give a shit about women in poverty. And you are right, they don't care about the kids they force the women to have cuz it is not their problem, is it? And yes, the implicit attitude is a woman seeking an abortion is obviously a slut.
Loved your rant. Took the words right out of my mouth. However, I still like to present a public facade of politeness... ahem cough cough. ;-)