I understand your desire for woman to feel safe. I share that desire. But I fail to grasp your logic here.
Do women and girls feel unsafe? Yes. Why? Because of men assaulting them. This is a simple and obvious statement. Bathrooms are not the point. Women are as likely -- more likely in fact -- to be assaulted in their own home. By members of their own family.
Transgender women and transgender girls also feel unsafe. Everywhere. I care about their safety as well.
Honestly, as I said, I have sympathy with your desire for safety. Wouldn't it be nice, though, if we could ALL feel safe? The only way we get there is for all of us to protect all of us.
Bathrooms are the last thing to worry about on a long list of things to worry about. Seems to me, for starters, that guns are way more of an issue. Banning transgender women from bathrooms will make no difference to anything. Passing and enforcing red flag laws to prevent a known domestic abuser from having his hands on guns would do a lot more. For the safety of everyone.
Yes, care about safety. But pick your battles sensibly where it will do the most good. That is my two cents. Sorry for getting on the soap box and making a speech.