I rather hope eventually (perhaps by 2028) a two-party country: Dems and Libertarians. Would be fine by me as at least a liberal like me could have policy debates with libertarians. Would be refreshing, actually.
I don't think the Republican Party is salvageable anymore. And THAT will be Kevin McCarthy's real legacy in the history books: His post-Jan 6 trip down to Mar-a-Lago to kiss the ring of Trump and resurrect from the dead that insurrectionist. All real Republicans have either been purged (like Liz Cheney) or are cutting and running (like Mitt Romney) or decaying into dementia (like Mitch McConnell). I am no fan of the policy ideas of any of those people, but at least they had ideas. Gaetz and MTG wouldn't know an "idea" if it hit em over the head.