I first heard of this whole concept of "The Rapture" when I was 10 years old ... at a drive-in movie. It was the "documentary" (using that term very loosely) called "The Late Great Planet Earth" (1978), based on the book. (FYI for younger folk, that was QAnon before QAnon.)
My mom and dad were in the front seat (I think my dad fell asleep) and me in the back seat. And that movie scared the crap outta me! Nightmares for weeks. And the author Hal Lindsey said with certainty that the Rapture would happen no later than 1988!
Well, by 1988, I was a smartass college student at the University of Utah... and hoping for a Rapture to happen because that would remove all the stick-in-the-mud party poopers (of which there was an overabundance in Utah) leaving the world to people like me who knew how to laugh and have a good time! ;-)
I hope the Rapture comes before the next election, sweep up all the MAGA people to their evangelical heaven where there are no gays and lots of guns (I guess?) and leave us here on Earth in peace. Wouldn't that be awesome?