I do get your point. However, there is method to my madness.
Comedy is not just comedy, and political satire is not the equivalent of sit-coms or even the colosseum for that matter. I have discovered that it can be the most biting, direct, and no-BS way of shining a serious light on the most serious of darkest corners... where most people don't want to be bothered to look... but will look if it is couched in a comic style/format.
Who would have read a dry meta-analysis of the fact that "journalism" has devolved into a copy-and-paste system where actual "journalism" is vanishing into extinction? Who would have read a dry analysis of the internal friction between the quasi-conservative populist camps of nativism/xenophobia/racism versus the conservative camp of the Reaganite wealthy elite rigging the government game to make them richer still?
Maybe you would have read such dry articles on such topics, but many (most?) people would not. I wrote about those things here... and got people to read it... I get the last laugh. ;-)
Better still, through comedy, I let people "figure it out" for themselves as far as the serious stuff behind the jokes.
Yes indeed, method to my madness...