I can basically agree with most all of what you said. But obviously I do disagree with the notion that reminding people she was a human is "tone deaf."
From my perspective, the opposite is the tone deaf problem.
On the far Right, she has -- quite very extremely dangerously -- been turned into a cultish figure of worship, some grand martyr. This is enormously dangerous, not to mention disgusting. The Left, in the way they have treated her as a mere footnote, not worth even mentioning as an aside, feeds the fire for the radical Right martyrdom cult.
It just seems to me it has, these past two years, been enormously tone deaf to NOT make some effort at recognizing her as a human. It has nagged at my conscience for these past two years, so I decided to go ahead and write my personal feelings about it. Knowing full well I would then receive some pretty enormous pushback for stepping outside the proper "Left" talking points lane. I am supposed to ignore her, as a good and loyal liberal leftie (which, 99% of the time I am). However, I got tired of doing what I am "supposed" to do. Not tone deaf, but just me sick at heart.