I am so out of the social media loop that I might never have heard of this except for it actually being brought up on MSNBC during Morning Joe (!), when somebody asked Mika Brzezinski "man or bear?" and she had to roll her eyes and reply "bear, of course" as though it were a silly question. Another woman on the set was also asked, and she said bear, but also ventured an explanation. She said "there are rules with bears."
That was my answer and thinking, too. I like your analysis though, better to die than roll the dice on a fate worse than death. I had not necessarily thought about it in those terms. An interesting answer.
I was recalling a trip to Alaska, where we went hiking in some wilderness in Denali National Park and beforehand studied the brochure on "how to deal with bears." Follow the "bear rules" to not cause him or her alarm and ya ain't gonna have problems, basically. Unless it is a mama, of course.
I think it is less about slamming guys, and more about an indictment of the human race... which does not have guaranteed behavioral "rules" at least not like in the animal world where each animal knows what to expect and where they stand with each other. Rules. *sigh*