I admit that ever since the rise of Trump, the very existence of Black Republicans has continued to be a bit of a mystery and puzzle to me. Pre-Trump, it was fine, and to a degree could even make sense. I continue to be a great admirer of Michael Steele, former chair of the RNC. He makes sense. He has a consistent moral compass and a consistent set of values and opinions and I respect him greatly for it.
However, post Trump ... people like Tim Scott and Byron Donalds are just a mystery to me what their thought process is. Is it some sort of willful blindness on their part? Or is it purely transactional, such that they will tolerate the MAGA nonsense for the shot at power and being on the "inside" of those otherwise white-men-only gatherings of movers and shakers? I just don't know. Not my place to say, I suppose. But I appreciate you chiming in to offer your thoughts on it.