Good point about how COVID affected the "ground game" to the detriment of Democrats and advantage of Republicans. Also, point taken about how problematic it is when democracy becomes a game of "outmaneuvering the opponent." I feel as though that is what we have devolved into since some oh, 40 or 50 years ago. Though it accelerated after the election of Obama when Republicans decided their only policy priority was "block what Obama wants." I am not sure how we collectively dig ourselves out of this circumstance though. I do see quite often Democrats--and even an occasional Republican--trying to take the high ground, but I see less and less of a reward at the polls accruing to that.
It comes down to the old question: when faced with a bully on the playground, what do you do? I used to advise take the high ground, and certainly don't stoop to the bully's level. Now I find myself at the end of my rope and beginning to wonder if the solution to the bully to bunch up a fist and knock his block off. *sigh* I don't want to stoop that low. .....So if plan A is not working, plan B (knock his block off) is abhorrent....what is plan C? I do not claim to know the answer to that, just that it is urgent we figure it out before 2024 and the coming Republican sweep of all three branches.