Beautiful stuff Esther, and I especially loved that phrase "Hide in the shadow of God's wings."
As you well know, and as I do emphasize in my other writings, I am not a Christian myself, but I still love to hear all perspectives and I love to hear a Christian quoting loving Bible verses.
For those of us who are not Christians, it is a temptation--owing to the loud radical Right evangelicals stirring up so much mischief--to start to attack Christianity itself. I have witnessed far too many people give in to that temptation. I continue to resist that (it is a struggle) and I thank you for always providing context and quotes to enable me to do so.
I personally would rather focus on commonalities and shared values. And certainly "hide in the shadow of God's wings" is one I can share in as far as my own personal beliefs.
Thanks again Esther for your positivity.