"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes." -- quote attributed to Mark Twain, though actually may be older than that.
The war on science is as old as, well, the existence of science. But of course now, modern technology is pouring buckets and buckets of kerosene on that ancient fire of misinformation/disinformation.
What is the answer to that? Well, I don't know. I think maybe I'm not the person to ask. I think we need to ask young people -- young "social media influencers" if you will -- how to combat effectively in the information warfare arena to get good information in front of people eye's and their 30-second attention span. Fight fire with fire, so to speak, and make bits of “truth” go “viral” for a change. But I'm not the one to say exactly how, as I do not know.